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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Free Wi-Fi Finder for iPad

Free Wi-Fi Finder is a very good app. It gives you the power to find free WiFi hotspots. And you don't have to have connected WiFi to your iPad. This looks cool.
Free Wi-Fi Finder for iPad
This app is easy to use, has great design. The offline database is a necessary function. But it seems to have some bugs as it shuts down easily. It had suddenly stopped working, then dumped me back to my iPad's homne screen.

PlainText - Editing Dropbox text files on iPad & iPhone

PlainText is a simple text editor iPad app which allows you to create and organize your Dropbox documents in folders and sync them.

Like every application that Hong Bay software, this app is simple and elegant, which a well-throught-out feature set. PlainText not only does understands folders, it integrates seamlessly with the marvelous DropBox, which allows me to work on the same document on various devices without clumsy.
PlainText - Editing Dropbox text files on iPad & iPhone
PlainText takes you only a minute to setting it up, then it will create a default forder in which to place its files.

It works fine when you are offine, and sync to DropBox next time it can. Also it seems to do a good job of handling sync in both directions.

AutoCAD WS for iPad - View, edit and share DWG files

AutoCAD WS for iPad - View, edit and share DWG files
AutoCAD is a CAD software application for 2D and 3D design and drafting. Now you are able to view, edit, and share your DWG files on your iPad with AutoCAD WS app. This appp works on iOS platform with support of all iDevices.

Car Expenses for iPad tracks car

Car Expenses for iPad tracks carCar Expenses is a car financial app that helps you track all car-related expenses. This app has a fun design and its information can be setted in colorful reports. You can monitor your fuel expenditure, record expenses for as many cars as you have. When it's time to service the car, you will get automatic reminders.